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Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Sharing Economy -- 5 Way Millennial's Are Influencing Our Existence.

5 Way Millennial's Are Influencing Our Existence.

Have you stopped to consider lately just how fast our digital age is ramping up? 
Consider this... In 1976 Steve Wozniak, a friend of Steve Jobs built the first Apple computer. Today we all hold a small and nearly 10,000 fold better personal computer called the smartphone. Interestingly, enough that's not to say the power of a computer is only limited by it's capacity to carry out highly personal and useful functions for the user. In turn, these rapid advancements give us new opportunities to explore. Today we explore the world phenomenon called, "The Sharing Economy" and what it means for tomorrow's way of life.

(In no particular order)
Uber (Ride Sharing Services)

Probably the most well known to millennial's and the biggest influence'r perhaps, is that of the successful start-up Uber.
A ride-hailing service that provides users with a taxi-like service that ideally connects a customer to an everyday driver who may be utilizing their personal car for some extra cash. The primary reason this is something that is most likely here to stay rather than a so-called "fad" is the fact that it expands the use of car buying. In these current times, millennial's have identified with "renting" rather than owning. According to a data survey by Trulia, they found that 93% of millennials have plans to move to home ownership but currently rent or live at home. What's more, Goldman Sachs report shows Millennial's are reluctant to ownership, stating:
"Millennial's prefer access, not ownership". As a result, I think car ownership will continue to decline as we see Uber and various other ride-sharing technology come into full-swing.


Airbnb (Home Sharing/Renting)

Have you heard of them? Airbnb flew onto the rental space in 2008 and has just in recent years grabbed major attention from the traditional ways of vacationing. The reason they are such a game changer is the unique ability they have in creating a live-in "home" anywhere in the world. As a result, the millennial generation has responded greatly to this and may be the reason as mentioned above by Trulia that data shows the majority rather rent than own something. I plan on using Airbnb many times over, both as a guest around the world and as a host in the near future. Can you imagine the possibilities with renting a home on very short-terms? The concepts of cash-flow become incredibly heightened when you can operate prices like a hotel. If none of this investing and ownership is your cup of tea, simply try it out for the perks of travel. More often than not you can grab an awesome rental pad for a week with all your friends; often in exclusive cities and countries and really get an immersive cultural experience while there.


Now here is one that is possibly a fad however, it give the pet owners a better sleep at night, that is while on vacation! DogVaycay is increasingly becoming a go-to option for pet owners who do a lot of traveling for various purposes. Essentially, this is a secondary home for your furry-friend. There is a extensive vetting process in-place for the hosts of these dog-vaycay's. Additionally, the idea behind this is that it creates a exclusive relationship with the pet by giving them the comfort of a home and a pet-loving owner, it simply just doesn't feel like the day they were left behind in the cold-bars of steel, locked away for a week-at-a-time while you basked in the rays. The vetted-volunteers behind DogVaycay make your next traveling endeavor one to remember, that is of your vacation and not worrying about your pets. The one-on-one attention from these pet hosts is another means of the sharing economy and the concept of your dogs home away from home.


Quite a more recent concept and one that has people mixed about this idea is that of RelayRides, now changed to Turo. A rental car if you will from essentially anyone who is willing. Turo's motto per their site states, "Rent the car, own the adventure". An elequent touch to experiencing life from different lens. What I mean simply is by combining the likes of Turo with say that of Airbnb you can nearly create a fantasy of yours, alter your living perspectives, and open opportunities for enlightenment. Turo allows you to experience the adventure of any lifestyle by a simple rental process. Per their site, you simply sign-up, using their app and pursue a ride-of-interest, wait for the car host to confirm, and boom you are on your way to that adventure in your head-turning Rolls Royce. Simply return the car afterwards and instantly reflect on where you came up short in life not owning one yourself... all jokes aside, find more information on the peer-to-peer car rentals by vising the "How To" page of Turo.


              Next stop, Taskrabbit, a outsourcing network of peer-to-peer work that can encompass everything from being your virtual assistant to performing legal-work, creating company graphics and designs, to house cleaning. Now do I think Taskrabbit will be THE platform for all things outsourcing? It's hard to say but, it seems highly unlikely because there is still a lot of competition in this space, namely Fiverr and a few others. However, when it comes to accomplishing simple, yet tedious tasks of the everyday sorts, Taskrabbit has you covered. 

            The thing I really appreciate most about this concept is that it expands your circle of influence. Thus, from a business standpoint, this allows you to network on a very work-exclusive basis. You simply gain leverage both business and personal from outsourcing less-worthy tasks all the while growing your time-value opportunities and what matters to you most each day. I think whichever company nails this correctly will have their sights set for huge small-business opportunities and eventually the possible play here is that everyone will learn how to leverage their time correctly by Taskrabbit inadvertently teaching us the more we consume the services.


              So by combining all these makes for an interesting life, one in which you can nearly rent your way to a lifestyle. Through the millenials rapid acceptance of a rental lifestyle, never before have you been able to so quickly & easily pick your standard of living on a daily basis. So pack-up your things, leave the work to your friends on taskrabbit and set-out on your next adventure and lifestyle experience through the power of The Sharing Economy. Did you say, you like a bit of the hipster life but with a touch of elegance and swagger? No Problem, now you can go from a few days with your classic VW surf van and small cottage to the colonial hill-sides, pent-house condo's, and coast-line beach getaways, driving your newly Turo'd Lamborghini Aventador. Don't forget, the dog will be in good company!


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